
We’re expecting the coming days to be characterized by a Sirocco wind. This will be the result of persistent low pressure over southern Europe and a stationary ridge of high pressure across the eastern Mediterranean and Libya. This state of affairs will bring frequently changing weather conditions to the central Mediterranean. The weekend will be marked by overcast skies, with isolated showers from late in the afternoon on Saturday 12/3 till late in the morning on Sunday 13/3. Any rain is likely to deposit fine desert sand. The rain will also be accompanied by a strong southeasterly wind. The air will be hazy due to airborne fine dust too. The coming week will bring sunnier spells, although the dusty haze will persist. The southeasterly wind will remain breezy for much of the week, before potentially dying for the following weekend. We advise you to not do much outdoor cleaning, as the airborne fine dust will continue to be deposited over the course of the coming week. It appears that temperatures will continue feeling rather cool, mainly due to the breezy wind. Springlike weather is looking increasingly likely after this spell of Sahara Desert weather. More about that at a later date.
Qed nistennew li l-jiem li ġejjin ikunu kkaratteriżżati minn riħ Xlokk. Dan se jkun il-kaġun ta’ pressjoni baxxa persistenti lejn in-naħa ta’ isfel ta’ l-Ewropa u firxa ta’ pressjoni għolja stazzjonarja fuq il-lvant tal-Mediterran u l-Libja. Din is-sistwazzjoni meterjoloġika se ġġib magħha temp instabbli li se jinbidel frekwentament lejn iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran. Tmiem il-ġimgħa se jġib sema ċlampu, b’ħalbiet iżolati tax-xita minn tard wara nofsinhar tas-Sibt 12/3 sa tard filgħodu tal-Ħadd 13/3. Din ix-xita tkun tal-ħamrija. Ix-xita se tkun akkumpanjata minn riħ qawwi mix-Xlokk. L-arja se tkun imdaħħna minħabba trab fin fl-atmosfera. Jekk nagħtu ħarsa lejn il-ġimgħa li ġejja jidher li se ġġib magħha temp daqsxejn aktar xemx, għalkemm xorta waħda bi trab fin fl-arja. Ir-riħ mix-Xlokk jibqa kemmxejn qawwi għal biċċa l-kbira tal-ġimgħa, qabel ma potenzjalment jonqos lejn tmiemha. Navżawkhom biex ma tantx tnaddfu fuq barra, peress li t-trab fin fl-arja se jibqa jiġi depożitat tul il-ġimgħa li ġejja kollha. Jidher li t-temperaturi se jibqgħu jinħassu kesħin għal issa, speċjalment minħabba riħ qawwi. Temp aktar sinonimu mar-rebbiegħa jidher li se jkun possibbli wara dan il-perjodu ta’ temp tad-deżert tas-Sahara. Aktar informazzjoni dwar dan aktar tard.
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