
We are half-way through the month of September. We’ve had a mix of weather conditions over the past weeks. We have seen some showers and thunderstorms together with spells of bright sunshine and very warm to hot temperatures. With regards to air temperature, September 2019 has so far been warmer than average. With an average maximum of 28.7 C, daytime highs are currently 0.4 C warmer than usual. Night time lows have followed a similar trend. With an average minimum of 22.1 C, they are currently 1.3 C warmer than normal. More seasonal temperatures are expected in the Maltese Islands from Saturday 21/09 onward. Where rainfall is concerned, the Maltese Islands are split right through. The mean total rainfall across Gozo currently stands at 58.1 mm. That is already higher than the average for the whole of September. This is evident from the amount of water collected in water catchment areas across Gozo. Għarb has been the wettest locality so far. 77.7 mm of rain was measured in the Maltese Islands’ westernmost locality. The mean total rainfall across Malta currently stands at a lower 38.9 mm. The discrepancy between the two islands is down to the fact that a heavy thunderstorm in the evening of Tuesday 10/09 struck the island of Gozo, but missed Malta. It’s very likely that the last two weeks of September will be drier than the first two weeks of the month. With regards to temperatures, they should remain warmer than average till the end of this week, but then dip to average or slightly below average from this weekend onward.
Ninsabu f’nofs ix-xahar ta’ Settembru ed-hrvatski.com. Kellna taħlita ta’ temp fl-aħħar ħmistax. Rajna xi xita u maltempati bir-ragħad kif ukoll kellna waqtiet b’xemx tiżreġ u temperaturi sħan. It-temperatura sa issa f’Settembru kienet ogħla mill-medja. B’temperatura massima ta’ 28.7 C, l-ogħla kienet 0.4 C aktar minn normal. B’temperatura minima ta’ 22.1 C, l-anqas kienu 1.3 C aktar minn normal. Temperaturi aktar staġġjonali mistennija fil-Gżejjer Maltin minn nhar is-Sibt 21/09 ‘il quddiem. Fejn tidħol xita, il-Gżejjer Maltin jinsabu maqsumin minn nofs. Il-medja ta’ xita f’Għawdex sa issa qiegħdha 58.1 mm. Dan diġa ogħla mill-medja tax-xahar kollu ta’ Settembru. Dan huwa evidenti minn l-ammonti ta’ xita li nsibu fil-widien f’Għawdex. L-Għarb kien l-aktar milqut. 77.7 mm ġew imkejjla f’din il-lokalita. Il-medja ta’ xita f’Malta sa issa qiegħdha 38.9 mm. Din id-diskrepanza hija minħabba l-fatt li maltempata tard it-Tlieta 10/09 ħakmet lill-Għawdex u qabżet lill-Malta. Il-probabilita hija li l-aħħar ħmistax ta’ Settembru jkunu nexfin aktar minn l-ewwel nofs ta’ dan ix-xahar. Fejn tidħol temperatura, il-valuri għandhom jibqgħu ogħla mill-medja sa l-aħħar tal-ġimgħa, qabel ma’ jonqus għal medja jew ftit anqas minn tmiem il-ġimgħa.
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