Air Temperature
Highest Maximum | 37.3°C | 1st |
Lowest Maximum | 29.1°C | 30th |
Highest Minimum | 27.7°C | 5th |
Lowest Minimum | 21.1°C | 20th |
Mean Maximum | 32.4°C |
Mean Minimum | 24.9°C |
Mean | 28.7°C |
Relative Humidity
Highest Relative Humidity | 94% | 10th |
Lowest Relative Humidity | 27% | 1st |
Mean Relative Humidity | 71.4% |
Atmospheric Pressure
Highest Atmospheric Pressure | 1021.2hPa | 13th |
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure | 1010.0hPa | 29th |
Mean Atmospheric Pressure | 1015.1hPa |
Highest Gust | 49.9km/h | 1st |
Mean Wind Speed | 5.4km/h |
Mean Gust Speed | 12.2km/h |
Mean Wind + Gust Speed | 8.8km/h |
Most Frequent Wind Direction | Northwest |
Total Rainfall During August 2021 | 0.0 mm |
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 | 414.7 mm |
Highest 24 Hour Total | / | / |
Rain Days | 0 |
Thunderstorm Days | 0 |
Hail Days | 0 |
August 2021 Compared to the Climate Means
Climate Mean | August 2021 | Anomaly | |
Mean Maximum Temperature | 31.4°C | 32.4°C | +1.0°C |
Mean Minimum Temperature | 22.7°C | 24.9°C | +2.2°C |
Mean Temperature | 27.1°C | 28.7°C | +1.6°C |
Mean Relative Humidity | 73% | 71.4% | -1.6% |
Mean Atmospheric Pressure | 1015.4hPa | 1015.1hPa | -0.3hPa |
Mean Wind Speed | 13.0 km/h | 8.8 km/h | -4.2 km/h |
Most Frequent Wind Direction | Northwest | Northwest | |
Total Rainfall | 7.9 mm | 0.0 mm | -7.9 mm |
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 | 555.7 mm | 414.7 mm | -141.0 mm |
Total Rain Days | 0 days | 0 days | / |
Total Thunderstorm Days | 0 days | 0 days | / |
Total Hail Days | 0 days | 0 days | / |
Significantly Hotter than Average in August 2021
August 2021 was the hottest month of the year. The mean temperature exceeded the norm by a staggering 1.6°C. Maximum temperatures were 1°C hotter than average. Nighttime lows were 2.2°C warmer than average. This wider anomaly may be attributed to the warmer than average sea surrounding the Maltese Islands. A very warm sea inhibits nighttime cooling. The hottest day was the 1st, with a maximum temperature of 37.3°C. Temperatures exceeded the 40°C mark on the day, in more central spots on Malta. A total of eighteen days registered a maximum temperature greater than the climate mean. The coolest temperature of 21.1°C was measured at dawn on the 20th. This was one of only a handful of nights with a minimum temperature dipping to below average.
A heavy rain shower was observed over a handful of localities in central Malta on 22nd August. Most places remained dry on the day, however. This extended the dry run for the driest of localities to 150 days.
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