A weak anticyclone will prevail across the central Mediterranean over the weekend. This will ensure continued dry weather and mild temperatures for now. The skies will continue to be partly to variably cloudy till Monday 09/12. There will be no significant rainfall this weekend. Temperatures will remain above-average for the time-being. We will enjoy 19 C to 21 C highs. Despite mild 13 C / 14 C lows, nights could feel cold, because of the heavy dew or fog. The wind will be light on both Saturday 07/12 and Sunday 08/12. A cold front should then move across our region on Monday 09/12, heralding the start of a spell of instability. More about this in a separate update.
Antiċiklun dgħajjef se jippersisti madwar iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran fi tmiem il-ġimgħa. Dan se jiżgura li jkomplu t-temperaturi komdi u temp bla xita. Is-sema se jibqa jkun ftit jew wisq imsaħħab sa nhar it-Tnejn 09/12. Mhux se jkun hemm xita sinifikanti fi tmiem il-ġimgħa. It-temperaturi se jibqgħu jkunu ogħla mill-medja għalissa. L-ogħla mistennija tvarja bejn 19 C u 21 C. Minkejja t-temperaturi mhux daqstant kesħin ta’ 13 C / 14 C filgħaxija, dawn se jinħassu aktar kesħin, minħabba n-nida u ċpar. Ir-riħ se jkun ħafif kemm is-Sibt 07/12 kif ukoll il-Ħadd 08/12. Sa issa jidher li front kiesaħ se jkun qed jgħaddi minn fuqna nhar it-Tnejn 09/12. Dan se jagħti bidu għal perjodu ta’ temp instabbli. Aktar dwar dan f’aġġornament separat.
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