
An instense storm system will develop over Tunisia and move rapidly across the Thyrrenian Sea towards central Italy on Thursday 21st April. This will generate a brief but intense episode of a gusty Sirocco across our area. This warning is valid from 00:00 till 19:00 on Thursday 21st April, and may be updated if necessary.
Thursday 21st April
00:00 to 03:00 – Southeast Force 5 to 6 (with gusts of up to Force 8)
03:00 to 06:00 – Southeast Force 5 to 6 (with gusts of up to Force 8)
06:00 to 09:00 – Southeast Force 6 to 7 (with gusts of up to Force 9)
09:00 to 12:00 – South Southeast Force 6 to 7 (with gusts of up to Force 9)
12:00 to 15:00 – South Southeast Force 6 to 7 (with gusts of up to Force 10)
15:00 to 19:00 – South Southeast Force 6 to 7 (with gusts of up to Force 10)
The peak gusts will blow across the Maltese Islands from the late morning till the late afternoon of Thursday 21st April, when they could reach up to Force 10 across the most exposed of areas across the Maltese Islands. The sea will be rough to very rough, with wave heights of up to 6 metres from the Southeast in peak gusts.
The wind will die down rapidly in the early evening, becoming Force 3 to 4 and shifting to the West. The sea will take a bit longer to calm down. A shift in wind direction may cause crossing swells and a confused sea state at times into Friday 22nd April. The interaction of swell waves from opposite directions sometimes leads to confused and overlapping swells. A confused swell may be a hazard for swimmers and scuba divers, especially when further away from the shore. Crossing swells may also make boat handling more difficult. We advise you to keep this mind and be more cautious anywhere in the Maltese Islands.
Sistema’ intensa ta’ maltemp se tiżviluppa fuq it-Tuneżija u se tgħaddi malajr minn fuq il-Baħar Tirren lejn iċ-ċentru ta’ l-Italja nhar il-Ħamis 21 ta’ April. Din se tiġġenera episodju qasir iżda intens ta’ riħ b’buffuri qawwija mix-Xlokk fl-inħawi tagħna. Din it-twissija se tkun fis-seħħ minn 00:00 sa 19:00 tal-Ħamis 21 ta’ April, u tista tiġi aġġornata kif ikun hemm bżonn.
Il-Ħamis 21 ta’ April
00:00 sa 03:00 – Xlokk Forza 5 għal 6 (b’buffuri sa Forza 8)
03:00 sa 06:00 – Xlokk Forza 5 għal 6 (b’buffuri sa Forza 8)
06:00 sa 09:00 – Xlokk Forza 6 għal 7 (b’buffuri sa Forza 9)
09:00 sa 12:00 – Nofsinhar ix-Xlokk Forza 6 għal 7 (b’buffuri sa Forza 9)
12:00 sa 15:00 – Nofsinhar ix-Xlokk Forza 6 għal 7 (b’buffuri sa Forza 10)
15:00 sa 19:00 – Nofsinhar ix-Xlokk Forza 6 għal 7 (b’buffuri sa Forza 10)
Il-buffuri l-aktar qawwija se jolqtu lill-Gżejjer Maltin minn tard filgħodu sa tard wara nofsinhar tal-Ħamis 21 ta’ April, meta dawn jistgħu jmissu Forza 10 fl-aktar inħawi esposti tal-Gżejjer Maltin. Il-baħar se jkun qawwi għal qawwi ħafna, b’mewġ għoli 6 metri fl-agħar buffuri.
Ir-riħ se jonqos f’daqqa minn kmieni filgħaxija, u jsir Forza 3 għal 4 filwaqt li jaqleb Punent. Il-baħar idum ftit aktar biex jikkalma. Il-bidla fir-riħ tista twassal biex imbatt minn direzzjonijiet opposti jiltaqgħa. Dan jaf iwassal għal baħar imħawwad. Dan jista jkun ta’ xkiel kemm għal għawwiema u bugħaddasa, speċjalment jekk ikunu imbiegħda mill-kosta. Imbatt imħawwad kapaċi jagħmilha aktar difiċli biex tikkontrolla opri tal-baħar żgħar. Navżawkom biss biex tkunu kawti u żżommu dan f’moħħkom kull fejn tkunu madwar il-Gżejjer Maltin.
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