An area of high pressure over the central Mediterranean will ensure a weekend of bright sunshine and very warm temperatures (up to 29°C) across the Maltese Islands. This will change slightly by later in the day on Sunday 14/06. A low pressure system will develop over the Aegean Sea, whilst the high pressure covering our region will retreat slightly west. This setting will generate a strong wind from the Northwest locally. This should reach Force 6/7 from late in the afternoon on Sunday 14/06 till late in the evening on Tuesday 16/06. Reaching its peak on Monday, it could reach up to Force 8.

Roqgħa ta’ pressjoni baxxa fuq iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran se tiżgura tmiem il-ġimgħa mill-isbaħ, b’ħafna xemx u arja sħuna (b’temperaturi sa 29°C) madwar il-Gżejjer Maltin. Din se tinbidel daqsxejn minn tard il-Ħadd 14/06, meta sistema’ ta’ pressjoni baxxa se tiżviluppa fuq il-Baħar Eġew. Fl-istess waqt, il-pressjoni għolja li tinsab fuq ir-reġjun tagħna se tersaq daqsxejn lejn il-punent. Dan se joħloq riħ qawwi mill-Majjistral lokalment. Dan għandu jilħaq il-Forza 6/7 minn tard wara nofsinhar tal-Ħadd 14/06 sa tard filgħaxija tat-Tlieta 16/06. Se jilħaq l-aqwa tiegħu nhar it-Tnejn, meta jista jonfoħ b’qawwa ta’ Forza 8.