The central Mediterranean will find itself caught in between zones of low pressure over the eastern Mediterranean and areas of high pressure over the western Mediterranean. This stark contrast in atmospheric pressure will generate a strong to very strong air flow from the Northwest across our region. This strong wind, which might reach near gale in strength, will blow in the cooler air that will initiate an unstable spell across the central Mediterranean. This strong wind warning is valid from 15:00 on Saturday 04/07 till 06:00 on Sunday 05/07, but may be extended if and when necessary. The information below explains how the situation is set to develop over this time period.


Saturday 04/07

15:00 to 18:00 – Northwest Force 4/5 to 5/6

18:00 to 21:00 – Northwest Force 5/6 to 6/7

21:00 to 00:00 – Northwest Force 6/7 with gusts of up to Force 8


Sunday 05/07

00:00 to 03:00 – Northwest Force 6/7 with gusts of up to Force 8

03:00 to 06:00 – Northwest Force 6/7 to 4/5


The peak gusts will blow across the Maltese Islands in the very early hours of Sunday 05/07. They may reach Force 8 across exposed areas. The wind will remain moderate at times strong from the North to Northwest through to Tuesday 07/07.

The sea will be rough to very rough, with wave heights of up to 4.5 metres in peak gusts. The swell will be low from the Northwest. The map below shows the length of coastline affected by this strong wind.


Iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran se jsib ruħu maqbud bejn żoni ta’ pressjoni baxxa lejn il-lvant tal-Mediterran u irqajja ta’ pressjoni għolja madwar il-punent tal-Mediterran. Dan il-kuntrast se joħloq riħ qawwi għal qawwi ħafna mill-Majjistral madwar ir-reġjun tagħna. Dan ir-riħ qawwi, li jaf joqrob il-qawwa ta’ riefnu kultant, se jdaħħal l-arja aktar friska li se timmarka l-bidu ta’ temp instabbli madwar iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran. Din it-twissija ta’ riħ qawwi ħafna hija valida minn 15:00 tas-Sibt 04/07 sa 06:00 tal-Ħadd 05/07, imma tosta tkun estiża jekk ikun hemm il-bżonn. L-informazzjoni ta’ hawn taħt jindika kif se tiżviluppa s-sitwazzjoni matul dan il-ħin.


Is-Sibt 04/07

15:00 sa 18:00 – Majjistral Forza 4/5 għal 5/6

18:00 sa 21:00 – Majjistral Force 5/6 għal 6/7

21:00 sa 00:00 – Majjistral Forza 6/7 b’buffuri sa Forza 8


Il-Ħadd 05/07

00:00 sa 03:00 – Majjistral Forza 6/7 b’buffuri sa Forza 8

03:00 sa 06:00 – Majjistral Forza 6/7 għal 4/5


L-aktar buffuri qawijin se jolqtu l-Gżejjer Maltin fis-siegħat bikrijin tal-Ħadd 05/07. Dawn jafu jilħqu Forza 8 f’inħawi esposti. Ir-riħ se jibqa moderat u xi kultant qawwi mit-Tramuntana għal Majjistral sa nhar it-Tlieta 07/07.

Il-baħar se jkun qawwi għal qawwi ħafna, b’mewġ għoli 4.5 metri fl-aktar buffuri qawwija. L-imbatt se jkun baxx mill-Majjistral. Il-mappa ta’ hawn taħt turi l-kosta l-aktar affetwata minn dan ir-riħ qawwi.