
An area of instability will settle over the central Mediterranean from Thursday 02/04 till Saturday 04/04. Higher pressure will prevail over Greece, Turkey and the eastern Mediterranean. This will cause a strong, cool breeze to blow across the Maltese Islands. The wind will not be too strong, but it may strengthen to Force 7 at times across exposed areas.
This is an ADVISORY, NOT A WARNING. A warning indicates that the forecast conditions may pose a threat to life or property. An advisory indicates that the forecast conditions may pose an inconvenience to daily life. It is of great importance to differentiate between the two terms. This advisory is valid from 09:00 on Thursday 02/04 till noon on Saturday 04/04. It will be updated when and if necessary. The details below describe how the situation should evolve over this time period:
Thursday 02/04
The wind will be from the East to East Northeast. It will be at Force 3/4 till around dawn, before increasing to Force 5/6 during the day. Gusts of up to Force 7 are possible, especially in the early afternoon.
Friday 03/04
The wind will be at Force 5/6 from the East Northeast to Northeast. Gusts of up to Force 7 are possible, especially in the evening and at night.
Saturday 04/04
The wind will be at Force 5/6 from the Northeast to North Northeast till the early afternoon. Gusts of up to Force 7 are possible, especially in the morning. The wind will decrease rapidly in the afternoon, to become Variable Force 2/3.
The sea will be moderate to rough, with wave heights of up to 4 metres in peak gusts. The wave direction will veer gradually from the East to North Northeast over the course of these three days. The swell will be low to moderate from the East. The map shows the area of coastline most exposed to this strong wind and rough sea.
Roqgħa ta’ instabbilta’ se tistalla fuq iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran mill-Ħamis 02/04 sas-Sibt 04/04. Arja bi pressjoni ogħla se tippersisti fuq il-Greċja, t-Turkija u il-lvant tal-Mediterran. Dan se jwassal għal riħ xi ftit qawwi u frisk madwar il-Gżejjer Maltin. Ir-riħ mhux se jkun qawwi esaġerat, imma jaf iżid għal Forza 7 kultant f’inħawi esposti.
Dan huwa AVVIŻ, MHUX TWISSIJA. Twissija tintuża meta l-maltemp imbassar jaf ikun ta’ theddida għal ħajja u propjeta’. Avviż jintuża meta l-maltemp imbassar jaf joħloq inkonvenjenza fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum. Huwa importanti ħafna li tifhmu d-differenza bejn dawn iż-żewġ termini. Dan l-avviż se jkun validu minn 09:00 tal-Ħamis 02/04 sa nofsinhar tas-Sibt 04/04. Dan ikun aġġornat x’ħin u jekk ikun hemm il-bżonn. Id-dettalji ta’ hawn taħt juru kif għandha tiżviluppa s-sitwazzjoni matul dan iż-żmien:
Il-Ħamis 02/04
Ir-riħ se jkun mill-Lvant għal Grieg il-Lvant. Se jkun Forza 3/4 sa tlugħ ix-xemx, qabel ma jżid għal Forza 5/6 matul il-jum. Buffuri ta’ Forza 7 huma possibbli, speċjalment kmieni wara nofsinhar.
Il-Ġimgħa 03/04
Ir-riħ se jkun Forza 5/6 mill-Grieg il-Lvant għal Grigal. Buffuri ta’ Forza 7 huma possibbli, speċjalment filgħaxija u billejl.
Is-Sibt 04/04
Ir-riħ se jkun Forza 5/6 mill-Grigal għal Grieg it-Tramuntana sa kmieni wara nofsinhar. Buffuri ta’ Forza 7 huma possibbli, speċjalment filgħodu. Ir-riħ se jonqos drastikament wara nofsinhar, u jsir Varjabbli Forza 2/3.
Il-baħat se jkun moderat għal qawwi, b’mewġ għoli 4 metri fl-aktar buffuri għoljin. Il-mewġ se jdur bilmod minn Lvant għal Grieg it-Tramuntana matul dawn it-tlett ijiem. L-imbatt se jkun baxx għal moderat mill-Lvant. Din il-mappa turi l-kosta l-aktar esposta għal dan ir-riħ qawwi u baħar imqalleb.
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