
We set clocks forward an hour tonight. The German Empire and its World War I ally Austria-Hungary were the first to use Daylight Saving Time (DST) as a means of conserving coal during wartime. Others followed suit. Numerous countries abandoned it in the years following World War II. Since then, the world has seen several enactments, adjustments, and repeals. Much of Africa, Asia, South America and Oceania do not follow it anymore. There are several arguments about this, both in favour and against. MEPs have voted to end summer and winter time switch in 2021. Each EU country will now have to decide which time it wants to stick to, with clocks changing for the last time in March or October 2021, depending on what member states’ choose. If we stick to summer time, it will be darker in the mornings in winter, but there will be much more light in the evening https://polska-ed.com/kupic-generic-cialis/. If we stick to winter time, there will be more light in the mornings in winter, but it will get dark earlier in the summer. Daylight Saving Time (DST) begins tonight, so do not forget to move your clock forward one hour before going to bed tonight. Tomorrow, the sun rises at 06:52 and sets at 19:21, as summer slowly sets in.
Illejla nmexxu il-ħin siegħa il-quddiem. L-Imperu Ġermaniż u l-alleati tagħhom l-Awstrija-Ungerija kienu l-ewwel li użaw id-Daylight Saving Time (DST) fl-Ewwel Gwerra Dinjija. Dan għamluh biex jikkonservaw il-faħam fi żmien il-gwerra. Oħrajn imxew fl-eżempju tagħhom. Numru ta’ pajjiżi abbandunaw din is-sistema fis-snin ta’ wara i-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija. Minn dakinhar l-hawn, diversi pajjiżi raw promulgazzjoni, aġġustamenti u tibdil. Il-biċċa l-kbira ta’ l-Afrika, l-Asja, l-Amerika ta’ Isfel u l-Awstralja ma għadhomx juzawha din is-sistema. Hemm diversi argument, kemm favur kif ukoll kontra d-Daylight Saving Time (DST). MPEs ivvutaw biex itemmu din is-sistema fl-Ewropa fl-2021. Il-pajjiżi kollha ta’ l-Unjoni Ewropeja issa jridu jiddeċiedu jekk hux se jżommu l-ħin tas-sajf jew dak tax-xitwa. Il-ħin se jinbidel l-aħħar f’Marzu jew Ottubru ta’ l-2021, skont l-għażla tal-istati. Jekk niddeċiedu li nżommu l-ħin tas-sajf, se jkollna aktar dlam filgħodu fix-xitwa, imma aktar dawl filgħaxija. Jekk inżommu l-ħin tax-xitwa, se jkun hemm aktar dawl filgħodu fix-xitwa, imma se jidlam aktar kmieni fis-sajf. Daylight Saving Time (DST) jibda llejla. Għalhekk, tinsewx tmexxu l-arloġġi siegħa ‘l quddiem qabel tidħlu torqdu. Għada x-xemx titla fis-06:52 u tinżel fis-19:21, hekk kif qed joqrob is-sajf.
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