It’s been dull and grey all day today, but that’s about to change! A ridge of high pressure from over north Africa will extend across the central Mediterranean for the weekend. This will ensure plentiful bright sunshine, warmer air temperatures (21°C / 22°C highs and 14°C / 15°C lows) and light winds (mainly from the South). The UV Index will be at a ‘Very High’ 8, possibly going up to 9 on Sunday 17/04. This spell of settled weather will be short-lived, as instability returns on Monday 18/04, when some light rain is possible.
It-temp ilu ġurnata ċlampu u griż, imma dan daqt jinbidel! Firxa ta’ pressjoni għolja minn fuq l-Afrika ta’ fuq se tkun qed testendi fuq iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran għal tmiem il-ġimgħa. Din se tiżgura siegħat twal ta’ xemx, temperaturi aktar sħan (l-ogħla ta’ 21°C / 22°C u l-anqas ta’ 14°C / 15°C) u riħ ħafif (l-aktar minn Nofsinhar). L-Indiċi UV se tkun fil-livell ‘Għolja Ħafna’ ta’ 8, possibilment 9 nhar il-Ħadd 17/04. Din il-waqfa ta’ temp bnazzi se tkun qasira pero’, hekk kif l-instabbilita’ tirritorna t-Tnejn 18/04, meta xi ftit xita ħafifa hija possibbli.
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