
Much warmer weather is on the cards for the Maltese Islands, as the recent colder than average temperatures come to an end with the arrival of warmer air from over the desert. By midweek, we expect temperatures to start reaching daytime highs of 25°C (and warmer) frequently. Nights will obviously become warmer too, with minimum temperatures not likely to continue dipping to below 15°C after midweek. The rise in temperatures does not automatically mean day-in day-out of uninterrupted bright sunshine. The southeasterly wind, which is forecast to prevail for now, is likely to continue bringing some more grey sky days. The UV Index will climb higher in the scale too. As of this weekend it will start reaching Level 9. This is considered to be ‘Very High’. A UV index reading of 8 to 10 indicates a very high risk of harm from unprotected exposure to the Sun. You should take extra precautions because unprotected skin and eyes will be damaged and could burn quickly. It is advised that you minimize exposure to the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If extremely essential to be outdoors; seek shade and wear Sun protective clothing. These include a wide-brimmed hat, UV-blocking sunglasses and SPF 30+ sunscreen. Bright surfaces, such as sand and water, will increase UV exposure. All in all, we’re certain that the transition to summer is at an advanced stage now!
A frequently asked question: “Are we done with the dusty rain?” Our answer: “There’s still some more to go, but they will obviously become less frequent as the weeks progress.”
Qed nantiċipaw li l-Gżejjer Maltin se jibdew igawdu minn temp aktar sħun, hekk kif l-episodju ta’ arja aktar kiesħa mill-medja ta’ l-aħħar ġimgħat se jkun qed jiġi fi tmiemu bil-wasla ta’ arja aktar sħuna minn fuq id-deżert. Nistennew li minn nofs il-ġimgħa li ġejja, it-temperaturi massimi se jibdew jilħqu l-livell ta’25°C (u ogħla) aktar ta’ spiss. L-iljieli wkoll se jkunu aktar sħan, bl-anqas temperaturi mhux mistennija jibqgħu jaqgħu taħt 15°C minn nofs il-ġimgħa li ġejja. Din il-bidla fit-temperaturi mhux se tfisser it-tmiem ta’ ġranet b’ajru ċlampu pero’. Ir-riħ mix-Xlokk li għandu jkompli jippersisti għalissa, xorta se jkompli jġib miegħu jiem iddominati minn temp griż. L-Indiċi UV ukoll se jibda tiela. Minn dawn il-jiem, din se tkun qed tlħaq livell 9. Din hija kkunsidrata ‘Għolja Ħafna’. Indiċi UV minn 8 sa 10 tindika riskju għoli ħafna ta’ ħsara minn espożizzjoni diretta għax-xemx. Għandek tieħu prekawzzjonijiet addizzjonali biex tevita ħsara lil ġilda u għajnejn. Jekk inhu possibbli, naqqas il-ħin li tqatta fix-xemx bejn 10 a.m. u 4 p.m. Jekk ma tistax tagħmel mod ieħor; fittex li toqgħod fid-dell kull x’ħin tista u ara li tilbes ilbies li joffri protezzjoni mix-xemx. Dawn jinkludu beritta/kappell, nuċċali tax-xemx li jilqa għal UV kif ukoll li tuża sunscreen SPF 30+. Uċuħ jgħajjtu bħal ramel u ilma iżidu l-qawwi ta’ l-UV.
Il-mistoqsija ta’ bħalissa: “Lesti mix-xita tal-ħamrija?” It-tweġiba tagħna: “Għad fadal ftit x’jagħmel, imma ovvjament, kull ma jmur se tnaqqas fil-frekwenza tagħha.”
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