After a couple of unstable days, air currents making their way to the central Mediterranean from north Africa will be restored. Daytime highs are expected to rise above 24°C for good, as the transition from spring to summer starts. Nighttime lows will not dip below 15°C anymore. Temperatures will be at or slightly above the mean for this time of year. There will be a few more wet or windy days to come this spring, but these will be few and far between as we edge ever closer to summer. Long term charts still suggest that summer 2019 will be hotter than average.
Wara numru ta’ jiem b’temp instabbli, jidher li l-kurrenti sħan li jilħqu iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran minn l-Afrika ta’ fuq se jerġgħu jieħdu posthom. L-ogħla temperaturi se jibdew jaqbżu l-20°C kuljum, hekk kif il-bidla mir-rebbiegħa għas-sajf se tibda. It-temperaturi billejl mhux se jibqgħu jinżlu taħt l-15°C. It-temperaturi se jibdew ikunu daqs jew ftit ogħla mill-medja għal dan iż-żmien tas-sena. Se jkollna xi jiem ta’ maltemp l’hawn u l’hemm imma dawn se jkunu dejjem aktar rari hekk kif is-sajf joqrob. L-aħħar mudelli tat-temp għadhom juru li s-sajf ta’ l-2019 għandu jkun sħun aktar mill-medja.
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