
Numru ta’ fronti ta’ pressjoni baxxa se jgħaddu minn fuq iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran matul il-ġimgħa li ġejja. Dawn se jġibu magħhom mewġa ta’ instabbilta’ lejn il-Gżejjer Maltin. F’dan l-aġġornament se niddiskutu l-potenzjal ta’ temp instabbli nhar il-Ħadd 01/09 u t-Tnejn 02/09. Il-mudelli tat-temp kollha jaqblu li maltempata bir-ragħad iżolata se tifforma qribna f’xi ħin nhar il-Ħadd 01/09. Wħud minn dawn il-mudelli qed jgħidu li din se tmissna. Oħra jidhru li għadhom indeċiżi dwar dan. Xi ftit minnhom jindikaw li din se taqbiżna. Maltempati bir-ragħad daqshekk kmieni fl-istaġun huma dinamiċi, u biex tgħid bi preċiżjoni sħiħa fejn se jaħkmu huwa kważi impossibli. Jekk maltempata bir-ragħad iżolata taffetwana nhar il-Ħadd 01/09, din tkun wara nofsinhar jew filgħaxija. Din iddum għal ħin qasir, pero taf tkun qawwija u mirjieħa. Barra minn hekk, mhux il-Gżejjer Maltin ikunu affetwati. Aktar dettalji dwar dan ikunu ppublikati kmieni l-Ħadd 01/09. Iċ-ċans ta’ xita nhar it-Tnejn 02/09 huwa ogħla. Il-maġġoranza tal-mudelli jgħidu li ħalbiet tax-xita li jistgħu jkunu qawwijin u bir-ragħad kultant jistgħu jaffetwaw lill-Gżejjer Maltin matul il-jum kollu. Dawn għandhom ikunu aktar mifruxin. Għalhekk, aktar lokalitajiet ikunu affetwati. Aktar dettalji dwar dan jinħarġu tard il-Ħadd 01/09. Is-sitwazzjoni tat-temp se tkun issorveljata regolari, u aġġornamenti se jsegwu meta u jekk ikun hemm il-bżonn.
Rigward riħ, dan se jibqa ħafif u varjabbli sa tard it-Tnejn 02/09, qabel ma jdur Majjistral filgħaxija. Ir-riħ imbagħad se jibqa mill-Majjistral għal-Punent fit-tul. It-temperaturi massimi mistennija li jibdew jinżlu taħt it-30 C minn nhar it-Tlieta 03/09 ‘il quddiem.
Successive troughs of low pressure will be traversing across the central Mediterranean over the course of next week. These will bring a wave of instability to the Maltese Islands. In this update, we will discuss the potential bad weather on Sunday 01/09 and Monday 02/09. All weather models agree that an isolated thunderstorm will form close to the Maltese Islands at some point on Sunday 01/09. Some models are suggesting that this will affect us. A few others are still undecided. Others indicate that it will miss us. Thunderstorms so early in the season are dynamic, and pointing out exactly where they will affect is almost impossible. If an isolated thunderstorm does affect us on Sunday 01/09, this will be in the afternoon or evening. It would be brief, but potentially heavy and blustery. Furthermore, not all of the Maltese Islands would be affected. Further details about this will be issued early on Sunday 01/09. The chance of rain on Monday 02/09 is higher. Most models indicate that rain showers which may be heavy and thundery at times could affect the Maltese Islands throughout the day. These would be more widespread. Therefore, a larger area of the Maltese Islands would be affected. Further details about this will be issued later on Sunday 01/09. The situation will be constantly monitored, and updates will be issued when and if necessary.
With regards to the wind, it will remain light and variable till late on Monday 02/09, before turning Northwest in the evening. It will continue blowing from the Northwest to West in the long-term. Maximum temperatures should start dipping to below 30 C from Tuesday 03/09 onward.
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