Although temperatures have now reached seasonal values, the overall meteorological situation will continue to be marked by the instability that is characteristic of the spring months. This week is set to bring frequently changing weather conditions to the Maltese Islands. Whilst some days will be characterized by cloudy skies, others will bring plentiful bright sunshine. The possibility of a little light rain cannot be entirely ruled out either. The easterly wind that will dominate the first half of the week will give way to a westerly wind by the weekend. The wind will strengthen at times over the course of this week. The westerly wind will clear the atmosphere of airborne fine desert sand, at least for a few days. Temperatures will be largely stable and around average for this time of year. We’re looking at 17°C / 18°C  highs and 13°C  / 14°C  lows. 31/3, a national holiday, may bring the first 20°C  + temperature since last November.