The sweltering heat will prevail till Thursday 7/7, when maximum temperatures will hover at 35°C to 38°C. Minimum temperatures will be in the region of 24°C to 26°C on these days. The wind will continue to be mainly light to moderate from a predominant westerly direction. The sky will be mainly sunny but hazy. Things will change in the evening hours of Thursday 7/7. An anticyclone that has brought sweltering heat and high levels of humidity to our region in recent weeks will retreat slightly, allowing a zone of instability to develop over the central Mediterranean. This unstable zone will direct a current of cool air from the north across our region. Maximum temperatures will dip abruptly to 29°C / 30°C over the weekend. Minimum temperatures will dip to a more comfortable 22°C. A strong West Northwest wind will blow across the Maltese Islands; reaching Force 7 on Friday 8/7, Force 6 on Saturday 9/7 and Force 4 on Sunday 10/7. The haze will clear away and the sky may become cloudier at times.