In a continuation of the past week, the central Mediterranean will endure a heat wave for much of the coming week. An extension of the Sahara Desert high pressure system over the central Mediterranean will continue dragging very hot air from over north Africa towards our area. We’re expecting temperatures to be very hot throughout. Daytime highs will vary from 35°C to 40°C till the weekend. Also till the weekend, nights will offer little relief, as minimum temperatures look set to remain at 26°C / 27°C. The wind will be similar to the past week. A light will dominate, but gusty episodes of an unmistakable hot, dry wind will prevail. The sky will continue to be characterized by a whitish haze and variable amounts of high cloud. There is some hope, however. A welcome relief could arrive to the Maltese Islands in the form of a breezy northwest at the weekend. Nighttime lows may cool down to 23°C / 24°C as early as the weekend. A drop in daytime highs is expected for the start of the following week. The sky should clear up by then as well.