After a completely dry first half of the month, the third week of November will see a complete change in the meteorological situation across the central Mediterranean. The high pressure that brought persistent fine weather is retreating This will allow low pressure systems from over the Atlantic to penetrate our region. In fact, the Maltese Islands should be affected by two successive storm systems over the course of this week. With regards to rainfall, this week looks really promising. Whilst rain is possible on any day in the coming week, it appears that Tuesday 17/11 and Saturday 21/11 could be the wettest days. Temperatures will experience a noticeable decline, with highs falling from 23°C at its start to below 20°C by the weekend. Lows will be in the region of 13°C to 15°C. Most days should be characterized by moderate winds. Wind direction will shift between Northwest and Northeast alternatingly over the course of this week. A very strong Northeast wind cannot be ruled out for the weekend. We will have to wait a few more days to see if this will materialize or not, however. What we are sure of is the fact that this week will bring the decisive change in weather many have been waiting for.