It looks like we’re in for a week of strong wind and showery weather. Areas of low pressure will prevail over the Gulf of Genoa. Meanwhile, high pressure will stands its ground to our south. This meteorological setting will guarantee another week of instability. The wind will be from the West to West Northwest on all days. It will also reach at least Force 6 at some point on all days. Whilst maps do not show persistent widespread rainfall on any day, it’s likely that the series of isolated showers expected throughout the week will reach all corners of our islands at some point or another. It’s also the first week so far this autumn with temperatures not expected to reach the 20°C mark on any day. We’re looking at daytime highs of 16°C to 19°C. Night time lows will be in the region of 11°C / 12°C on most nights. Temperatures will feel colder in strong wind.