After the latest model update, we have decided to issue a severe weather warning. The main threat appears to be from a number of thunderstorms. This warning is valid from 09:00 on Sunday 27/10 till 21:00 on Monday 28/10 unless otherwise indicated.
Low pressure over the Gulf of Gabes has pushed an unstable air mass towards the central Mediterranean. Upon coming into contact with the very warm sea around us, this unstable air mass has intensified and will develop several thunderstorms over the course of these 36 hours. Most will be in the form of squall lines. A squall line is an elongated line of thunderstorms that tends to form along or ahead of a front. A series of others will be in the form of Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCS). An MCS is a complex of organised thunderstorms. In the event of any of these affecting the Maltese Islands, expect rain which will be heavy, thundery, blustery and with hail at times. Totals may exceed 50 mm in the event of direct hits. Further updates will be issued ahead of any thunderstorms.
Wara l-aħħar aġġornament tal-mapep, iddeċidejn li noħorġu twissija ta’ maltemp. It-theddida mill-maltemp jidher li se tkun fil-forma ta’ maltempati bir-ragħad b’saħħithom. Din it-twissija se tkun fis-seħħ minn 09:00 tal-Ħadd 27/10 sa 21:00 tat-Tnejn 28/10. sakemm ma jkunx indikat mod ieħor.
Firxa ta’ pressjoni baxxa fuq il-Golf ta’ Gabes imbuttat massa ta’ arja instabbli lejn iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran. Hekk kif din ġiet f’kuntatt mal-baħar sħun li hawn madwarna, din il-massa ta’ arja instabbli ntensifikat u se tiżviluppa numru ta’ maltempati bir-ragħad fis-36 siegħa li ġejjin. Il-biċċa l-kbira minn dawn se jkun fil-forma ta’ ‘squall lines’. ‘Squall line’ hija medda fit-tul ta’ maltempati bir-ragħad li ħafna drabi tifforma ma’ fronti fi pressjoni baxxa. L-oħrajn jidher li se jkunu fil-forma ta’ ‘Mesoscale Convective Systems’ (MCS). MCS hijja massa ta’ maltempati bir-ragħad fuq livell organiżżat. F’każ li xi waħda minn dawn taffetwa lill-Gżejjer Maltin stennew xita li tkun qawwija, bir-ragħad, bir-riħ u possibilment anke bis-silġ kultant. It-total ta’ xita jaf jilħaq il-50 mm jekk dawn il-maltempati bir-ragħad jolqtuna direttament. Aktar aġġornamenti jsegwu qabel kull tip ta’ maltempata bir-ragħad.
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