A zone of instability associated with a low pressure system over the Gulf of Genoa will be traversing the central Mediterranean on Wednesday 02/12 and Thursday 03/12. This will mark the swift return of showery weather to the Maltese Islands. We’re expecting two main showery episodes, one around noon on Wednesday and the other around noon on Thursday, with a likely break in between. Any showers may be heavy, thundery and with hail at times. Chances of severe weather are negligible. We’re not expecting any excessive precipitation. The wind will a Southwest Force 4/5 on Wednesday and a Southwest to West Force 5/6 on Thursday.



Zona ta’ instabilita’ abbinata ma’ sistema ta’ pressjoni baxxa fuq il-Golf ta’ Ġenoa se tgħaddi minn fuq iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran nhar il-Erbgħa 02/12 u l-Ħamis 03/12. Din se ġġib magħha aktar ħalbiet tax-xita, wara jumejn ta’ bnazzi. Qed nistennew żewġ episodji ta’ xita separati, waħda madwar nofsinhar ta’ l-Erbgħa u l-oħra madwar nofsinhar tal-Ħamis, bi probabilita tajba ta’ waqfa bejniethom. Ix-xita tista tkun qawwija, bir-ragħad u bis-silġ kultant. Ir-riskju ta’ maltemp sever huwa negliġibli. Mhux qed nistennew ammonti kbar ta’ xita. Ir-riħ se jlaħħaq Forza 4/5 mill-Lbiċ nhar il-Erbgħa u Forza 5/6 mill-Lbiċ għal Punent nhar il-Ħamis.