The next five days or so will see four pressure systems affecting the Maltese Islands in quick succession. A ridge of high pressure currently covering the central Mediterranean will prevail till late on Friday 06/03. Lots of high clouds should cover the sky on Friday, but it will be very warm, with a 20 C high. The wind will be light to moderate from the Southwest to Northwest. Saturday 07/03 will see a cold front traverse the central Mediterranean. Temperatures will drop to 15 C / 16 C highs and 9 C / 10 C lows on Saturday and Sunday. Some isolated showers are possible on both days. Both days will experience a strong Northwest wind. A weak ridge of high pressure will bring fine weather for a day on Monday 09/03.  Tuesday 10/03 will be cloudy with some showers. The second cold front in four days will also bring more strong winds and cool temperatures that will stretch into Wednesday. The weather will stabilise from Thursday 12/03 onward, as an anticyclone will once again take hold of the central Mediterranean.

Matul il-ħamest ijiem li ġejjin se naraw erbgħa sistemi atmosferiċi differenti jaffetwaw il-Gżejjer Maltin. Roqgħa ta’ pressjoni għolja li tinsab fuq iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran bħalissa se tipprevjedi sa tard il-Ġimgħa 06/03. Għalkemm ħafna sħab għoli se jiksi s-sema nhar il-Ġimgħa, l-arja se tkun daqsxejn sħuna, bl-ogħla ta’ 20 C. Ir-riħ se jkun ħafif għal moderat mill-Lbiċ għal Majjistral. Is-Sibt 07/03 għandna naraw front kiesaħ jgħaddi minn fuq iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran. It-temperaturi se jaqgħu għal ogħla ta’ 15 C / 16 C u l-anqas ta’ 9 C / 10 C nhar is-Sibt u l-Ħadd. Xi ftit ħalbiet iżolati tax-xita huma possibbli matul dawn il-jumejn. Ir-riħ se jkun qawwi mill-Majjistral fi tmiem din il-ġimgħa. Firxa dgħajfa ta’ pressjoni għolja se ġġib temp sabiħ għal jum tat-Tnejn 09/03. It-Tlieta 10/03 mistenni li jkun imsaħħab u b’ħalbiet tax-xita. It-tieni front kiesaħ f’erbat ijiem mistenni jġib ukoll riħ qawwi u temperaturi friski li se jkomplu sa l-Erbgħa. It-temp se jistabiliżża minn nhar il-Ħamis 12/03 ‘il quddiem, hekk kif antiċiklun se jerġa jieħu kontroll tal-Mediterran.