Air Temperature
Highest Maximum | 19.0°C | 6th |
Lowest Maximum | 14.8°C | 21st |
Highest Minimum | 15.3°C | 24th |
Lowest Minimum | 6.5°C | 15th and 16th |
Mean Maximum | 16.8°C |
Mean Minimum | 11.1°C |
Mean | 14.0°C |
Relative Humidity
Highest Relative Humidity | 94% | Numerous days |
Lowest Relative Humidity | 52% | 15th |
Mean Relative Humidity | 81.0% |
Highest Gust | 57.9km/h | 25th |
Mean Wind Speed | 12.2km/h |
Most Frequent Wind Direction | West Northwest |
Atmospheric Pressure
Highest Atmospheric Pressure | 1031.9hPa | 1st |
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure | 1002.1hPa | 10th |
Mean Atmospheric Pressure | 1018.1hPa |
Total Rainfall During February 2024 | 50.2 mm |
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 | 235.4 mm |
Highest 24 Hour Total | 23.3 mm | 25th |
Rain Days | 9 days |
Thunderstorm Days | 2 days |
Hail Days | 1 day |
Rainfall Events
02/02/2024 | 0.3 mm | P.M. Light Rain |
03/02/2024 | 0.3 mm | A.M. Light Rain |
11/02/2024 | 0.3 mm | Light Rain; Hailstorm in Malta |
12/02/2024 | 0.2 mm | Light Rain |
13/02/2024 | 0.3 mm | Light Rain |
20/02/2024 | 0.8 mm | Light Rain |
21/02/2024 | 21.4 mm | A.M. Rainy; Isolated Showers |
25/02/2024 | 23.3 mm | A.M. Rain; Thunderstorms |
29/02/2024 | 3.3 mm | Thunderstorm; Localised Hail |
February 2024 Compared to the Climate Means
Climate Mean | February 2024 | Anomaly | |
Mean Maximum Temperature | 15.6°C | 16.8°C | +1.2°C |
Mean Minimum Temperature | 9.7°C | 11.1°C | +1.4°C |
Mean Temperature | 12.7°C | 14.0°C | +1.3°C |
Mean Relative Humidity | 78.3% | 81.0% | +2.7% |
Mean Atmospheric Pressure | 1020.2hPa | 1018.1hPa | -2.1/hPa |
Total Rainfall | 61.9 mm | 50.2 mm | -11.7 mm |
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 | 447.4 mm | 235.4 mm | -212.0 mm |
Total Rain Days | 11 days | 9 days | -2 days |
Total Thunderstorm Days | 3 days | 2 days | -1 day |
Total Hail Days | 2 days | 1 day | -1 day |
Warmer and Drier in FEBRUARY 2024
Overall, February was a continuation of the warmer and drier than average trend set by all previous autumn and winter months. The third and final month of meteorological winter was marked by frequently changing weather conditions due to the passage of several areas of low pressure across the central Mediterranean.
The mean temperature of 14.0°C was 1.3°C warmer than the norm. This comprised a mean maximum temperature of 16.8°C and mean minimum temperature of 11.1°C. These values were 1.2°C and 1.4°C warmer than average respectively.
Total rainfall at our weather station in Għarb amounted to 50.2 mm, or just over 80% of the climate norm. The national mean stood at 49.5 mm. This brought the total amount of rainfall since last September 1st to 235.4 mm. This is just 53% of what the Maltese Islands are typically accustomed to. The month’s meteorological highlight, a hailstorm, struck central localities of Malta on the 11th. This hailstorm coincided with the Sunday celebrations of Carnival. The hail was fairly large and abundant. The town of Mosta was particularly hard hit. The second half of the month brought with it the first widespread rainfall event in more than a month. The 25th produced 23.3 mm of rain. It was Għarb’s and numerous other localities’ highest 24-hour total for February. The 21st followed closely behind. There were 9 days of rain. 3 of these were accompanied by thunder. Hail was observed on two of them.
February 2024 was a relatively breezy, but at the same time, not too windy month. The wind reached Force 6 or stronger on 10 days. It reached Force 8 on only one of these days. This was the 25th.
Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in February 2024 (and since last September 1st):
Għarb: 50.2 mm (235.4 mm)
Victoria: 57.3 mm (256.9 mm)
Xewkija: 35.9 mm (159.7 mm)
Nadur: 40.2 mm (246.2 mm)
Marsalforn: 46.0 mm (185.4 mm)
Mellieħa: 51.8 mm (194.4 mm)
Buġibba: 72.5 mm (248.1 mm)
Mġarr: 53.3 mm (223.0 mm)
Naxxar: 53.1 mm (251.3 mm)
Mosta: 51.5 mm (245.4 mm)
Dingli: 57.5 mm (237.8 mm)
Msida: 54.1 mm (249.5 mm)
Valletta: 48.1 mm (192.5 mm)
Imqabba: 46.6 mm (239.5 mm)
Birżebbuġa: 35.2 mm (207.4 mm)
Sliema: 49.5 mm (224.1 mm)
Fgura: 39.1 mm (175.1 mm)
NATIONAL MEAN: 49.5 mm (214.2 mm)