Air Temperature
Highest Maximum | 20.2°C | 26th |
Lowest Maximum | 15.1°C | 3rd |
Highest Minimum | 14.3°C | 11th |
Lowest Minimum | 5.9°C | 18th |
Mean Maximum | 17.4°C |
Mean Minimum | 11.4°C |
Mean | 14.4°C |
Relative Humidity
Highest Relative Humidity | 95% | Numerous days |
Lowest Relative Humidity | 50% | 1st |
Mean Relative Humidity | 80.6% |
Highest Gust | 56.3km/h | 15th |
Mean Wind Speed | 11.4km/h |
Most Frequent Wind Direction | South |
Atmospheric Pressure
Highest Atmospheric Pressure | 1030.8hPa | 29th |
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure | 1008.9hPa | 12th |
Mean Atmospheric Pressure | 1016.9hPa |
Total Rainfall During March 2023 | 11.6 mm |
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 | 518.1 mm |
Highest 24 Hour Total | 7.5 mm | 2nd |
Rain Days | 2 days |
Thunderstorm Days | 1 day |
Hail Days | 1 day |
Rainfall Events
02/03/2023 | 7.5 mm | Thunderstorm with Hail |
03/03/2023 | 4.1 mm | Showers |
March 2023 Compared to the Climate Means
Climate Mean | March 2023 | Anomaly | |
Mean Maximum Temperature | 17.1°C | 17.4°C | +0.3°C |
Mean Minimum Temperature | 10.9°C | 11.4°C | +0.5°C |
Mean Temperature | 14.0°C | 14.4°C | +0.4°C |
Mean Relative Humidity | 77.6% | 80.6% | +3.0% |
Mean Atmospheric Pressure | 1017.3hPa | 1016.9hPa | -0.4hPa |
Total Rainfall | 41.0 mm | 11.6 mm | -29.4 mm |
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 | 536.9 mm | 518.1 mm | -18.8 mm |
Total Rain Days | 9 days | 2 days | -7 days |
Total Thunderstorm Days | 2 days | 1 day | -1 day |
Total Hail Days | 1 day | 1 day | / |
Warmer and Drier in March 2023
The warmer and drier than average weather that characterized March 2023 gave the Maltese Islands a taste of spring.
The mean air temperature of 14.4°C surpassed the climate norm by 0.4°C. With a maximum temperature of 20.2°C, the 26th registered last month’s warmest day. Despite temperatures registering an overall warmer than average trend, some nights were considerably chilly. The coldest night, that of the 18th, registered a minimum temperature of 5.9°C.
March 2023 lacked rainfall. The 11.6 mm of precipitation measured last month amounted for just over a quarter of the climate norm of 41.0 mm. The national mean stood at a poorer 5.4 mm. The rain fell over two days, the 2nd and the 3rd. One of them was a brief intense thundery shower with hail. A series of showers were observed across the Maltese Islands in the opening five days of the month. A trace of dusty rain was also reported around the 20th.
March 2023 wasn’t a particularly windy month. The highest wind gust of 56.3 km/h from a West Northwesterly direction was registered on the 15th. At least three other windy days were noted.
Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in March 2023 (and since last September 1st):
Għarb: 11.6 mm (518.1 mm)
Victoria: 8.2 mm (458.8 mm)
Xewkija: 8.4 mm (452.8 mm)
Nadur: 8.8 mm (447.0 mm)
Marsalforn: 6.4 mm (473.8 mm)
Mellieħa: 3.6 mm (417.7 mm)
Buġibba: 4.3 mm (499.0 mm)
Mġarr: 4.4 mm (447.8 mm)
Naxxar: 5.1 mm (589.0 mm)
Mosta: 6.1 mm (562.4 mm)
Dingli: 5.2 mm (475.8 mm)
Msida: 4.3 mm (659.3 mm)
Valletta: 3.5 mm (481.6 mm)
Imqabba: 1.8 mm (530.7 mm)
Żabbar: 2.8 mm (538.1 mm)
Birżebbuġa: 3.2 mm (441.2 mm)
Sliema: 4.7 (622.6 mm)
NATIONAL MEAN: 5.4 mm (506.7 mm)