Air Temperature
Highest Maximum | 32.7°C | 18th |
Lowest Maximum | 18.7°C | 9th |
Highest Minimum | 22.9°C | 18th |
Lowest Minimum | 10.7°C | 5th |
Mean Maximum | 24.1°C |
Mean Minimum | 17.1°C |
Mean | 20.6°C |
Relative Humidity
Highest Relative Humidity | 95% | Numerous days |
Lowest Relative Humidity | 32% | 23rd |
Mean Relative Humidity | 78.4% |
Highest Gust | 46.7km/h | 21st |
Mean Wind Speed | 10.5km/h |
Most Frequent Wind Direction | Northwest |
Atmospheric Pressure
Highest Atmospheric Pressure | 1020.1hPa | 3rd |
Lowest Atmospheric Pressure | 1004.0hPa | 16th |
Mean Atmospheric Pressure | 1014.5hPa |
Total Rainfall During May 2024 | 13.7 mm |
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 | 271.6 mm |
Highest 24 Hour Total | 8.5 mm | 8th |
Rain Days | 4 days |
Thunderstorm Days | 2 days |
Hail Days | 0 days |
Rainfall Events
01/05/2024 | 3.3 mm | Thunderstorm |
08/05/2024 | 8.5 mm | Rainy |
09/05/2024 | 0.5 mm | Light Rain |
11/05/2024 | Haze | |
15/05/2024 | TR mm | Drops of Rain |
16/05/2024 | TR mm | Drops of Rain |
17/05/2024 | TR mm | Drops of Rain |
19/05/2024 | 1.4 mm | Light Thunderstorm |
20/05/2024 | Haze; Widespread Dust | |
21/05/2024 | Haze; Widespread Dust |
May 2024 Compared to the Climate Means
Climate Mean | May 2024 | Anomaly | |
Mean Maximum Temperature | 23.9°C | 24.1°C | +0.2°C |
Mean Minimum Temperature | 15.9°C | 17.1°C | +1.2°C |
Mean Temperature | 19.9°C | 20.6°C | +0.7°C |
Mean Relative Humidity | 74.5% | 78.4% | +3.9% |
Mean Atmospheric Pressure | 1015.9hPa | 1014.5hPa | -1.4hPa |
Total Rainfall | 9.8 mm | 13.7 mm | +3.9 mm |
Total Rainfall Since Last 01/09 | 514.5 mm | 271.6 mm | -242.9 mm |
Total Rain Days | 4 days | 4 days | / |
Total Thunderstorm Days | 1 day | 2 days | +1 day |
Total Hail Days | 0 days | 0 days | / |
Warmer in MAY 2024
May was the fifth consecutive month this year to experience air temperatures that were higher than expected by varying degrees. The mean maximum temperature of 24.1°C was 0.2°C warmer than the norm. The mean minimum temperature of 17.1°C exceeded the norm by 1.2°C. Last month’s hottest temperature was of 32.7°C, measured on the 18th. These very warm temperatures were not complemented by bright sunshine and light winds, however. Airborne fine desert sand was present in the skies above the central Mediterranean on a total of 12 days. There were also 4 days with rain and 2 days with thunder. The wind reached Force 5 or stronger on half of all days last month too.
There were four instances with measureable rain last month. The month of May started with a bang, with a thunderstorm lighting up the skies in the predawn hours of the 1st. The wettest day of the month was on the 8th. An episode of steady light to moderate rain produced some 8.5 mm of rain. A sudden upper-level thunderstorm with very little precipitation on the 19th was also a highlight worth-mentioning from last month. There were also several instances of drops of rain mixed with fine dust. Whilst the month of May was wetter than average in parts of the Maltese Islands, including our weather station in Għarb, not the same can be said for the whole archipelago. The mean rainfall for May 2024 stood at 7.3 mm, or slightly above the mean.
Rainfall Totals around the Maltese Islands in May 2024 (and since last September 1st):
Għarb: 10.4 mm (268.3 mm)
Victoria: 10.7 mm (289.9 mm)
Xewkija: 8.0 mm (183.2 mm)
Nadur: 8.2 mm (276.5 mm)
Marsalforn: 7.7 mm (211.6 mm)
Mellieħa: 7.7 mm (225.4 mm)
Buġibba: 8.8 mm (279.4 mm)
Mġarr: 11.3 mm (258.4 mm)
Naxxar: 6.6 mm (282.8 mm)
Mosta: 8.9 mm (277.8 mm)
Dingli: 7.7 mm (266.0 mm)
Msida: 5.0 mm (276.4 mm)
Valletta: 4.6 mm (216.0 mm)
Imqabba: 5.7 mm (266.8 mm)
Birżebbuġa: 4.1 mm (233.9 mm)
Sliema: 4.3 mm (250.9 mm)
Fgura: 4.0 mm (240.6 mm)
NATIONAL MEAN: 7.3 mm (253.2 mm)