
We’re a week into April, and the weather is yet to show initial signs of gradual improvement. Needless to say, it’s spring, and changeable weather is synonymous with these months of transitions. Temperatures will remain around or below average for the forseeable future. Wind direction will continue varying, shifting between the northwesterly and southeasterly from time to time. The northwesterly will be associated with episodes of bright sunshine. The southeasterly will bring about further spells of overcast and hazy skies. Bouts of strong wind will remain a frequent occurence. Pressure systems across the central Mediterranean will remain dynamic. A cosnequence of this is constantly changing short-term forecasts. We urge to continue following our 6-day forecast which is issued daily on our page and site. We will continue doing our best to bring you constantly-updated and reliable weather reports.
Kważi għaddiet ġimgħa minn April, u t-temp għadu jrid juri l-ewwel sinjali ta’ kambjament gradwali. Wara kollox ninsabu fir-rebbiegħa, żmien ta’ taqlib fit-temp. It-temperaturi għalissa se jibqgħu jkunu madwar jew anqas mill-medja. Id-direzzjoni tar-riħ se tibqa tvarja, u se tkompli taqleb minn Majjistral għal Xlokk sikwit. Ir-riħ fuq se jkun assoċjat ma’ episodji ta’ temp xemxi. Ir-riħ isfel se jkompli jġib miegħu jiem b’sema ċlampu u mdaħħan. Waqtiet ta’ riħ qawwi se jkomplu jolqtuna ta’ spiss. Is-sistemi atmosferiċi madwar iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran se jibqgħu jinbidlu kontinwament u b’mod erratiku. Konsegwenza ta’ dan it-tbassir tat-temp se jkun qed ikompli jinbidel sikwit. Inħeġġukhom issegwu t-tbassir ta’ 6 ijiem li jkun aġġornat ta’ kuljum fuq il-paġna u s-sit tagħna. Sadattant se nkomplu bil-ħidma tagħna biex inkomplu nwasslu rapporti tat-temp li jkunu aġġornati kontinwament u preċiżi.
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