With 2,957 hours of sunshine a year, Malta is Europe’s sunniest country. It’s been the contrary lately, though. The sky’s been covered in a featureless grey cloud for the past couple of days. In fact, it’s been one of the dullest ever starts to April. Many are asking us: When will we see the sun again?! The rest of Thursday 04/04 will remain cloudy with some light rain from time to time. Friday 05/04 is expected to be another dull day. There will also be some isolated showers, as a thunderstorm is expected to miss the Maltese Islands by a whisker. The sun is expected to make an appearance on Saturday 06/04. The sky on that day will be characterised by patches of cloud floating around, with dappled sunshine in between. That won’t be the last of the clouds though. Sunday 07/04 should be another cloudy day with the possibility of a thunderstorm. High pressure will return to the central Mediterranean Monday 08/04. This will restore sunny skies and warmer temperatures across the Maltese Islands. Having said that, further bad weather may be expected next week, as the shaky start to spring continues.
B’2,957 siegħa ta’ xemx fis-sena, Malta hija l-aktar pajjiż imdawwal fl-Ewropa. Dan l-aħħar ma kienx hekk, pero. Is-sema kien miksi bi sħab griż u temp ċlampu f’dawn l-aħħar jiem. Filfatt, dan kien wieħed mill-aktar bidu msaħħab ta’ April li qatt kellna. Ħafna qiegħdin jistaqsuna: Meta se nerġgħu naraw ix-xemx?! Il-bqija tal-Ħamis 04/04 se jibqa msaħħab b’xita ħafifa minn ħin għal-ieħor. Il-Ġimgħa 05/04 għandu jkun jum ieħor ta’ sħab. Se jkun hemm ukoll xi ħalbiet tax-xita, hekk kif maltempata bir-ragħad mistennija taqbiżna bi ftit. Ix-xemx titfaċċa nhar is-Sibt 06/04. Dik għandha tkun ġurnata ta’ daqsxejn sħab b’waqtiet xemxin. Dak mhux se jkun l-aħħar tas-sħab, pero. Il-Ħadd 07/04 mistennija tkun ġurnata oħra ta’ sħab u bil-possibilita ta’ maltempata bir-ragħad. Pressjoni għolja se tkun qed tirritorna lura lejn iċ-ċentru tal-Mediterran nhar it-Tnejn 08/04. Din mistennija ġġib magħha xemx tiżreġ u temperaturi ferm aktar sħan. Minkejja dan, aktar maltemp għandu jaħkimna il-ġimgħa li ġejja, hekk kif il-bidu inċert lir-rebbiegħa jkompli.
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